Few days back, I was discussing with one of my friends how education expenses of our children have risen in the last five years. He narrated an incident of his colleague who has two children. For the first child he paid Rs 10,000 per annum for playschool expense four years back. Now his second child is also admitted in the same school and he has to pay the same fees but on quarterly basis. What makes it worse from him is that he has got raise in his income was only 10-15% in the last two years
This is the plight of majority of parents today. An extraordinary rise in cost of child education is creating nightmares for them. Although, most parents plan for their kids’ dream education, it happens only when the child starts going to school. Also, more than estimated increase in the cost makes it difficult to meet the expenses and they end up spending more than 50% of their income only on raising their child. Sometimes for a larger family, the situation becomes worse and children have to take up part time jobs to cope with the rising expenses.
Hence, it has become necessary that parents draw an education budget as soon as the child is born. Financial planning is a solution to this, to a great extent. However, parents who have not resorted to creating a financial plan for themselves should avoid ad hoc investments and create an expense budget for their child education.
Although, the primary reason of rising cost of education is the school fee, there are other expenses which are very integral to the school curriculum and have risen manifold in last few years. A recent survey done by ASSOCHAM on “Parents wary of rising education cost of kids” of young parents for their children education, has revealed that average spending on a single child at primary/secondary education on expenses other than school fee has gone up from Rs. 35,000/- in 2005 to over Rs. 65000/- in 2011.
So what are these expenses parents should be aware and how do they affect the monthly budget:
It is very difficult to exclude any expense from their kids’ dream education as it has become the need of the hour. However, one should be well aware about the cost related to their child’s education and same should be included in their education budget. Planning ahead by creating a financial plan can answer most of the queries, if not all, but the start has to be made by the parents.
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